Spring is springing up all over.

After a very long, very cold and very dreary couple of months, March has arrived and brought with it the warmth and the magical melting powers of the sun. And put me in the mood to sew. Of course, right now I can’t sew, because I ripped apart the sewing room to turn it into a calm, joyful, inspiring place to work. Right now it looks like the dreaded junk drawer that everyone has but wishes would disappear.  One thing I have learned from this whole experience is that I have WAY too much fabric, if that’s even possible. I am slowly getting it folded onto comic book boards and placed on shelves, and it’s a long slow process. In the middle of this I decided to make the other end of the sewing room into a mom cave and tie it all in together,  a place where I can just be me. Of course with my little getting her own machine for Christmas that has put a kink in my plan because now I am making a Mommy & Me cave/ sewing studio, and is she ever a diva about it 🙂 So for the month of March I have given up sewing, I am blaming it on lent but let’s face facts, I have never given anything up for lent before except last year when I gave up going to the gym. So the task at hand is looking like a never ending ladder and I am starting to get discouraged, it happens to everyone. To give myself more of an incentive, I have picked a project to do when I finally get the room done. I am going to participate in the Spring edition of Kids clothes week. Over 6 days you take an hour a day and dedicate it to sewing something for the kids. There are fun prizes awarded and some really inspired pieces that people make. What talent!! The theme for this edition is Wild Things, I am pretty sure I can come up with something fantastic for that. The week it’s on is April 20-26. That should give me time to get everything done in the studio/cave. I will be taking short breaks between now and Easter to get the littles Easter dress made, but I have even delegated some of that, the hubby will be cutting out the fabric for me so that all I have to do is pin and sew.  Now back to the folding and sorting. I can’t wait to show you some sneak peeks of the studio.